Thursday, September 27, 2007

Weekly Blog #4

This week in class we learned many things. One of them was virtual private networks. I virtual private network is a network that uses encryption to transfer data over a public network like the internet. In order to have a virtual private network you do not have to have a physical network, wireless or cable lines etc, and the costs associated to it. You could just rent network use or use a public one. Another point I learned this week is that databases have several configurations: hierarchical, relational and object oriented. I already new about databases, I used a few at work, mostly Microsoft Access, but I never knew how they worked.

Last week, Dell announced that it is rolling out a new line of servers preconfigured with Microsoft’s SQL Server 2005 database software. Dell claims that “the combination can top trendy data warehouse appliances on price, performance and ease of installation.” They come in three configurations with 1TB, 2TB or 4TB of storage and they are ready for to update to the SQL Server 2008 when it comes available next year. It is amazing to see how Dell can already make servers that are upgradeable to a new software almost a year before the new software is sold. I imaging that Microsoft is providing some kind of information about its new software configuration to allow Dell the make the upgradeable servers. For more information click on the article link: Microsoft and Dell Team Up

I am also including a link to a video related to this area:

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