Thursday, December 13, 2007

Weekly Blog #16

This week in class we were to learn about ethics and technology. It is a shame to see how many of the new technologies are used unethically. The most recognizable unethical behavior includes computer fraud: identity theft, email spam, phishing, hacking and many more. Some others are debatable. Some people argue that peer to peer file sharing its legal the same way as if you make a copy of a CD for a friend. On the other hand, others argue that file sharing is stealing and should not be allowed. Computer technology and information systems have improved our lives tremendously. You can now instantly view, send, share or store all kinds of data, including email, pictures, video, medical diagnostics etc. Of course there are those who use it to take advantage of others. The following article: P2P Botnets pose Fresh Network Threat shows how a new type of malware: Botnets can be used unethically. It explain how a botnet can spread itself on a P2P network and launch and attach which since it is not located on any specific location, uses hundreds of computers on the P2P network they are very difficult to detect and stop.

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