Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Weekly Blog #13

This week in class we learned about Time Warner and it network. I was surprised to learned that most of their network is not wired with fiver optics but rather with the old coaxial cable which has much less quality and bandwidth. Like both groups explained in class I really think that an upgrade of their network could give them a competitive edge over other providers. Verizon already offers Fios, an all-digital services through a five optic network. I have a friend who has it and he mentioned the Internet speed and the quality oh his TV signal is amazing. He used to have Hi-Fi channels though Comcast but Fios has a much superior picture and sound quality. The following article: Fios available to 1 million homes, offices mentions how Verizon already has it fiber optic network available to over $1 million customers in NJ, and plans to add an additional $400,000 next year. Thanks to that, Verizon has been gaining customers at an incredible pace. It reported a penetration rate that far exceeded the average penetration rate of 15% (in all other states were it offers services) Verizon bet heavily in it fiber optic network, the infrastructure expense is very high but it is already paying off. Conventional cable providers will need to step up their game if they want to keep up.

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