Thursday, December 13, 2007

Weekly Blog #16

This week in class we were to learn about ethics and technology. It is a shame to see how many of the new technologies are used unethically. The most recognizable unethical behavior includes computer fraud: identity theft, email spam, phishing, hacking and many more. Some others are debatable. Some people argue that peer to peer file sharing its legal the same way as if you make a copy of a CD for a friend. On the other hand, others argue that file sharing is stealing and should not be allowed. Computer technology and information systems have improved our lives tremendously. You can now instantly view, send, share or store all kinds of data, including email, pictures, video, medical diagnostics etc. Of course there are those who use it to take advantage of others. The following article: P2P Botnets pose Fresh Network Threat shows how a new type of malware: Botnets can be used unethically. It explain how a botnet can spread itself on a P2P network and launch and attach which since it is not located on any specific location, uses hundreds of computers on the P2P network they are very difficult to detect and stop.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Individual Blog Assignment #5

How did your group make the decisions? What problems did you encounter in the process? Did your group make decisions in a different way than the whole class did? Why? What kind of information system do you need to design to support such a process of negotiation? Provide a simple hardware/software configuration.

At the beginning our group decided to send me all the value tables to create an Excel spreadsheet with all the possible combination solutions in order to find the one that would maximize the best outcome for everyone. We then decided to delete any combinations that would give any of the members of the group less than 20 points we ended up with 2 possible combinations. The first option would give myself the lowest score with 26 points and a total for the whole group of 264 points. The second option would give John the lowest score of all with only 20 points but will give a total of 375 points to the group. After intense negotiation, the whole group, John included, agreed to select the second option since with the exception of John everyone else in the group will benefit much more than with the first combination. Then, after speaking to the professor we realized that we weren’t limited to just find the best combination. As long as the whole group agreed, we had the power and ability to trade, pool the points given by the professor among ourselves. In other words there weren’t any restrictions and you could go outside the box. Right then we decided to pool all the points given by the professor and redistribute them evenly among all members of the group, even though some members had way more points than others, in a combination that would give us all a maximized result.
After speaking with several other groups they had all done what we did originally. They also created spreadsheets and chose a combination that everyone agreed on. I also saw a group before class where all its members were discussing and trying different combinations. They were the only ones that I know that did not use an Excel spreadsheet. I am assuming that they didn’t want to share their results with their group.
To support this process of negotiation I would design a server-based system with an internet linked interface to make it easier for all parties to access and communicate. We would then need an application that would allow all parties to communicate, negotiate, share and disclose data if wanted. After all parties input their data, the system automatically calculates the best options for each member and also identify the best options for the groups as a whole to ease negotiations.

Weekly Blog # 15

This week in class we learned about the system development life cycle, and more specifically about system design. The first step of the design is to create a blueprint, or blueprints. The two most important models are Data Flow Diagram and the Entity Relationship Diagram. The Data Flow Diagram shows how the data and processes flow and can have different levels. You can Zoom in or out for example from the concept all the way to the programming language for each of the steps. The Data Relationship diagram is not dynamic. It does not show the flow of information. All information on the system is organized in objects which are easier to describe. Each object has attributes which can have different formats. Both these two models can be made using the UML language which already defines the guidelines and rules of the diagrams.
The following article: QuickUML 3.0 - UML Design Tool for Universal Binary Mac OS X and Windows Vista announces release of quick UML. This new 3rd version adds new diagram presentation features, code generators for other programming languages and many other features. Its new presentation features allow attributes, operations, properties and events to be define for each class and each project can be presented as one multi-panel window.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Weekly Blog #14

This week in class I learned about information system development and system reengineering. It involves several steps like identify inputs and outputs, flow of activities, resources etc. We also learned about the types of improvements that can be done, including from sequential to parallel, enhancing the decision authority, information sharing, eliminate buffering, automation and changing from batch to continuous. Another thing we learned was about the system development life cycle, which comprises of the following components: planning, analysis, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance. The following article: Planned Systems Intenational Wins Contract to Provide Enterprise - Wide Provider Database to Military Health System talks about the contract Planned Systems International won to provide Enterprise-Wide Provider Database to Military Health System. The $2.5 million contract will help integrate functions that consolidate data and cross-link them to multiple business operations, processes and applications. The contract will provide a variety of services including technical management, system development, system integration, and formal testing.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Weekly Blog #13

This week in class we learned about Time Warner and it network. I was surprised to learned that most of their network is not wired with fiver optics but rather with the old coaxial cable which has much less quality and bandwidth. Like both groups explained in class I really think that an upgrade of their network could give them a competitive edge over other providers. Verizon already offers Fios, an all-digital services through a five optic network. I have a friend who has it and he mentioned the Internet speed and the quality oh his TV signal is amazing. He used to have Hi-Fi channels though Comcast but Fios has a much superior picture and sound quality. The following article: Fios available to 1 million homes, offices mentions how Verizon already has it fiber optic network available to over $1 million customers in NJ, and plans to add an additional $400,000 next year. Thanks to that, Verizon has been gaining customers at an incredible pace. It reported a penetration rate that far exceeded the average penetration rate of 15% (in all other states were it offers services) Verizon bet heavily in it fiber optic network, the infrastructure expense is very high but it is already paying off. Conventional cable providers will need to step up their game if they want to keep up.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Interactive Assignment #4

Suggest two other business cases in which this method can be used to collect information. What problems do you see besides the ones mentioned in the Background information section? What kind of information system do you need to design to support this method of collecting information? Provide a simple hardware/software configuration.

There are two other business cases other than Hewlett Packard’s where an electronic market could be used to collect information with information aggregation:

1- Market research, more specifically, product testing or research.

For example, a market like the one used on this case could be used to compare two products against each other and see which one has the better ratio of trading and thus figuring out which product has better potential before it is even launched

2- Commodities’ prices for various products, including gold or utility prices and or currency exchange.

In this case an electronic market can be used to find out how a particular utility or commodity is expected to perform in the future. For example if an international, company is planning to invest into a factory in a particular country but has concerns about the possible appreciation of the local currency which will make exports very expensive. If can predict that the currency is going to appreciate or not it may decide to do the investment or not.

On both cases derive several problems. First, actual results may not reflect accurately future results or real performance of the products being tested or traded. Even if you get what look good feedback from the market it may not reflect what it will really happen. Additionally, the format of the electronic market has to be design to give the most appropriate feedback. For example, the market for the product research has to be designed what is going to be exchanged in order to work and in a auction or trading format that gives the best feedback

The class project only involves several people and professor Vragov keeps track of the results on a spreadsheet. Of course if this method of collecting information involves many people an automatic information system is needed. The only hardware needed would be an on-line server or virtual server with an interface allowing participants to access it and trade. That interface could be configured for different market types, allowing for different auction types and or for posting bids and puts. All transaction will automatically be recorded and executed after they are confirmed by both parties without human interaction. The results will then be recorded into a database where the relevant information can be extracted.

Weekly Blog #12

This week in class I learned about McGraw Hill and how piracy, including P 2 P, the Internet and electronic publishing are hurting their conventional printing business. It is true that all kind of conventional publications, including regular books, magazines and newspapers are in general on the decline. I don’t think they are going to disappear on the near future but they eventually will. The new generations will get used to the electronic media: laptops, electronic book tablets, PDAs, smart phones etc, and will not longer use regular publications. Especially since it is much easier to storage books in electronic format than in shelves or take on backpacks.
The following article: Amazon to Unveil E-Book Reader on Monday Explains how Amazon plants to launch its closely guarded mobile e-book reader this Monday. They are just following the current trend. The reader will have Wi-Fi connection so you can buy and download any publication at the book store while sitting at Starbucks having your morning coffee. It also comes with headphones for listen to audiobooks. As we can see, McGraw Hillneeds to change their strategy the same way other publishers are doing and migrate to the trend and offer more electronic options.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Weekly Blog #11

This week in class we learned about social networking. I found out that there are several social networks and they seem to be primarily used by different audiences. Those sites allow you to communicate and share your thoughts, videos, pictures and they have several other features. For example, MySpace allows you to type blogs, invite friends, send email, post and share videos, post classifieds, organize events, white about books, or get other people’s opinions about books, and even play games with other people. It has many other features, just go to their websites and find out. This week we also learned about the pharmacy Duane Reade, its online pharmacy system and their rewards club data warehouse and some ideas on hot to improve them.
The following article: Facebook and MySpace Monetize Friendship with Targeted AdsExplains how MySpace and Facebook are giving advertisers better tools to reach their predominantly youthful audience. MySpace announced on Tuesday they are soon launching SelfServe, a system similar to Google’s AdWords text purchasing system where small businesses can create display ads and target them to their customers. I think the new system will increase MySpace’s advertising revenue.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Weekly Blog #10

This week in class we had several types of auctions: Dutch, English, English second price, Blind, Blind second, etc. Each group bid against each other and decided what the best strategies where for each auction type. I never known there were so many different types. Coming from a small fishermen town, I always wondered why the fish was always sold with a Dutch auction. Now I realize that it needs to be sold before it spoils. I was also amazed how fast the auctions were, most of the time I couldn’t even follow. Of course I was 10 years old. We also learned about the FCC on-line spectrum auctions, and

how the rights to the different frequencies are sold. I didn’t even know companies had to buy the right to use the airwaves.
The Following article: Airwaves auction still faces challenge talks about the upcoming FCC’s 700MHz spectrum auction. They include an "open access" requirements on about a third of the spectrum, which is being made available thanks to the transition to digital broadcasting by TV stations. It is expected to raise as much as $15 billion in an auction to begin Jan. 24. The winner will be required to permit wireless customers to use whatever phones and software they choose, as long as it doesn't harm the network. This rule already originated several lawsuits, including Verizon, claiming the agency had exceeded its authority.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Individual Blog Assignment #3

Computer crime.

Wikipedia defines computer crime as: “criminal activity where a computer or network is the source, tool, target, or place of a crime. These categories are not exclusive and many activities can be characterized as falling in one or more category. Computer crime can broadly be defined as criminal activity involving an information technology infrastructure, including illegal access, interception, data interference, systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data), misuse of devices, forgery (ID theft), and electronic fraud.”
One example where computers are targets of computer crime is a virtual information time bomb. It is computer code programmed to realize a specific task at a predetermined time. It can be used to destroy all the information in a computer or a whole network. In 1996, Tim Lloyd, an ex-employee, left a virtually activated information bomb in his company’s codes, which finally detonated July 31 of that same year destroying the company's manufacturing programs and network. Another example is the so called denial-of-service attack. It is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. It generally consists of a person or persons trying to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning temporarily or indefinitely. The most common method of attack involves saturating the victim with external communications requests, such that it cannot respond or will do it very slowly. Most mayor Internet names were victims, including Yahoo and Microsoft.
An example of a computer being used as instruments of crime is phishing. Phishing is an attempt to illegally acquire sensitive information, such as user names, passwords and credit card or banking information by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. EBay and Paypal and banks are common targets. It is typically carried out by email or instant messaging and often directs users to enter details at a website.
Another example of a computer being used as instruments of crime is the illegal access to a computer resource. It is also called hacking. One of the most famous hackers is Jonathan Jones. He became the first juvenile to be sent to prison for hacking. He installed a backdoor into a Defense Threat Reduction Agency server. It enabled him to view sensitive emails and capture employee user names and passwords. He also cracked into NASA computers, stealing software worth approximately $1.7 million.
For a video on the latest Internet security treats click on the link.

Weekly Blog #9

Before this week when I heard of electronic auctions or electronic market I immediately thought of EBay. I would never have thought that it was also related to supply chain management. This week in class we learned about supply chain management with its different strategies: pull and push strategies. Another thing we also learned this week was electronic actions or electronic markets and how they can be used for supply management streamlining. One of those markets is COVISINT, an electronic auction platform that started connecting the big three auto manufacturers (GM, Ford and Daimler-Chrysler) and their suppliers. Before COVISINT all their suppliers used different IS systems and in many cases they weren’t compatible. It created inefficiencies and communication issues. COVISINT was created by the big 3 to create a market their suppliers could access and compete against each other thus lowering prices. The following recent article: COVISINT explains how right now Covisint has more than 250,000 subscribers at 30,000 companies in 86 countries. It now not only works with the auto industry but also in manufacturing, healthcare, aerospace, public sector and financial services.

Weekly Blog #8

Before this week when I heard of electronic auctions or electronic market I immediately thought of EBay. I would never have thought that it was also related to supply chain management. This week in class we learned about supply chain management with its different strategies: pull and push strategies. Another thing we also learned this week was electronic actions or electronic markets and how they can be used for supply management streamlining. One of those markets is COVISINT, an electronic auction platform that started connecting the big three auto manufacturers (GM, Ford and Daimler-Chrysler) and their suppliers. Before COVISINT all their suppliers used different IS systems and in many cases they weren’t compatible. It created inefficiencies and communication issues. COVISINT was created by the big 3 to create a market their suppliers could access and compete against each other thus lowering prices. The following recent article: COVISINT explains how right now Covisint has more than 250,000 subscribers at 30,000 companies in 86 countries. It now not only works with the auto industry but also in manufacturing, healthcare, aerospace, public sector and financial services.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Weekly Blog #7

This week in class we learned about 2 very interesting topics: virtual reality and artificial intelligence. There are many devices that used virtual reality, like the helmet to project 3D visuals and the globe to interact with that reality. Another great virtual reality item that is already on the market is the Wii which with the help of the remote sensor, allows you to bowl or play tennis in your own living room. We also learned about second life. It is a website that is really a virtual world. You can buy virtual real state, buy or create you own house, interact with other people and even work and earn real money. Many businesses have properties in second life. Dell even allows you to configure and buy a computer in their virtual island.

The following article: Scientist Use Brain Waves to Stroll Through Virtual World explains how Japanese scientists found a way to let people wander in second life using brain waves. This is a great breakthrough that could change the lives of heavily paralyzed people. As one of the scientists said: "(it) would enable people suffering paralysis to communicate with others or do business through chatting and shopping in a virtual world" Under the technology, a person wearing head gear embedded with electrodes, which analyze brain waves, would be able to control a avatar just by thinking.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Weekly blog #6

This week in class we learned about online advertising. One thing I found really interesting was the fact that even though internet advertising is increasing at a great pace, mobile advertising is increasing even faster and is going to surpass it in the near future. I never realized that people could get advertising on their cell phones. I new that there are more cell phones that computers with internet connections and the potential market is much bigger. I learned of the 3 main ways to advertise in mobile phones: video playing, mobile internet and the most innovative free cell phone and or services if you are willing to receive text message or other kind of advertising from sponsors every day. Another point we learned was about how Google AdWords and Yahoo Smart Ads works. They work very similar but the payment structure is different. Google used a bidding process, for ad payment and yahoo do not. Also their search algorithms are different.
The following article: Onetime Google Nemesis Ramps Click-Fraud Crusade talks about click fraud on the Google-run network of third party website called AdSense. In this system Google and the third party website gets paid if the ads get clicked. Some website had rigged the system and boosting the fees by clicking on the ads themselves. How can Google prevent this? Is there a system in place to avoid this???? Click on the link to watch a video on how AdSense works:

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Individual blog assingment #2

There are several companies dedicated to develop digital devices that can produce smells or transfer them over the internet (IPSmell(TM)) is one of the main players. They have developed an interactive program that allows the creation of smells by mixing up to 16 different base smells. Smell can be created anywhere and be transfer as code over the web to an Aromajet kiosk that can make the fragrance you created. The company is now creating a system with 32 components for a greater variety. Before this technology, perfume design was only for the rich and famous, now anyone can design it own personalized fragrance and Aromajet can synthesize it and ship it directly to consumers. Another product by this company is called “Pinoke” and it will change videogame experience. Its micro-jetting technology and software will allow create and release fragrances at precisely the right time coinciding with the on-screen events. Of course they are all prototypes, but we can expect it in the near future. They could be brought to market for between $40 and $80.

DigiScents is also developing the iSmell Personal Scent Synthesizer. This prototype is shaped like a shark’s fin, and it will be connected to your computer’s USB port. It contains 128 primary odors and it can create many natural or man made odors. The iSmell would be used on everyday computing. You can send somebody an email with a particular sent, to watch movies (with appropriate smells for different scenes) and of course for gaming. Of course movies and games have to have the smell code embedded so the iSmell can create at release the smells at the appropriate time.
SENX Scent Device is taking this technology even further by in addition to creating smells as the other devices it can also create flavors that can be tasted by licking the paper coated with the smell. SENX will also allow you to create your own fragrances right at home.
Recently there have been rumors that Sony is working with a device that could transmit sensory data directly to the human brain by firing ultrasound pulses at a person’s head and target specific parts of the brain creating sensory experiences like smells and tastes. If this technology is finally developed it will be revolutionary.
Most of these systems are very similar. They can all be used for several digital purposes. Playing video games, watching movies (it would be great is they could incorporate one in movie theaters and an huge revenue center) However, In m opinion the SENX is the one that has a greater revenue potential because in addition to all those uses it can also create fragrances you can wear. Since consumers will have to buy the individual smell cartridges, the same as printer ink, if you can get the user o use more the more revenue the company will make.